Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Bro Should Know: Eggshell Skull Rule

I told you not to make the FB invite public.
Conservative brocedural advocates have lobbied for years to limit or erase entirely the doctrine of the eggshell skull.  In case you don't know, it essentially makes it cool to be a Franny Fragile because it advocates that one should "take the plaintiff as you find them".

Carbrozo has gone on record multiple times reaffirming that a bro has a superseding duty at all times to not be a bitch.  "The Eggshell Skull rule is an abomination to all the Rules of Brocedure stand for.  When was it okay to be a bitch?  Did Bronnan put you up to this? A bro should be allowed to vindicate himself of all responsibility to another bro while operating in the normal limits of brocedure (see Sorry For Partying defense).  Some people just can't handle Vegas."

Brosner echoes Carbrozo's sentiment, yet clarifies the utility of the doctrine: "...[T]he Eggshell Skull rule was put in place to protect two beer queers and unsuspecting chicks from suffering unjustly from bro antics."  Yet Brosner digresses into an unforeseeable patriotic tirade, extremely critical of the English common law system we adopted.  "The purpose of the Eggshell Skull rule is to make Humpty Dumpty whole again.  The king couldn't do that... IN AMERICA WE CAN!"  America indeed.

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