Friday, November 11, 2011

Rule 2: Bros Before Hoes?

For the visual learners.
The FRCB states: "One bro shall guide the cock of another bro, unless they are sworn enemies. Blocking of the cock is a punishable offense regulated by sanctions (see General Sanctions)... [A] bro who has had had his cock blocked may hold this over the offending bro's head for a period of no greater than one year or until the next time the broffender plays wingman and gets the assist."

However, if one reads the supplement to the rules (Prosser on Brocedure), the rule "bros before hoes" actually was written after the drafter had gotten his d wet. So in actuality bros before hoes only applies to bros who like bros (its okay if your into that sort of thing) and dudes who have already smashed that day.  Without reading the reason behind the rules, you miss these sorts of things.

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