Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brotocol Overview: The Wingman

Remember, John Stockton went to the HOF for assists.
A bro is bound by FRCB Rule 8-D (Guiding of the Cock) to make a good faith effort to wing "if he himself has a girlfriend or a 'guaranteed party to intercourse' locked down" for the night.  Failure to comply with brocedure may result in sanctions with varying severity depending on: 1) the hotness of the chick lost, and 2) the chance she would have let your bro beat.  Sanctions may range from a shaken beer to the affected bro telling the selfish bro's girlfriend he was flirting and dancing with other chicks.  When weighing the severity of punishment, it is also important to consider the affected bro's game and whether or not she was in his league.  Further insight to what is proper adherence to brotocol is best demonstrated in the Restatements.

Restatement (2nd) §143: Good Faith and Fair Dealings While Winging

Fact: Chicks dig marine mammals.
Illustration A.
Bro w/ GF: Man, Dave is such an awesome dude. Did you hear what he's doing after he graduates?
Chick: No, what?
BwGF: He is combining his marine biology and sociology degrees to tutor retarded dolphins.

BwGF has made a good faith effort to get his bro laid.

Sometimes, being blunt is bad.
   Illustration B.
   Bro w/ GF: Hey, you should fuck Dave.
   Chick: What?!
   BwGF: Pardon me. Would you please fuck Dave?

   BwGF has not made a good faith effort, and in fact has
   made things    unnecessarily awkward.

   Comment c.  A good faith effort may not always be
   necessary.  A lack of interference is the controlling
   purpose of the statute (i.e. FRCB 8-D(3): Cockblocking).

Comment f.  Similar to proper notice of service, any attempt to wing a fellow bro must be "reasonably calculated to achieve success".

Special Thanks to Brocedural Advocates: D. Umbert and J. Adamsky.

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